About Us
The Patcham Gardening Network was created by Jenny Robinson and Sally Booth who realised there were a number of local gardeners interested in forming a club in Patcham, Brighton. More than 50 people attended the inaugural meeting in March 2022 where Jenny and Sally explained their vision for the network and plans for its first year. A draft constitution was presented and agreed. An appeal for helpers to run the network resulted in volunteers forming a committee and we were off!
What we aim to do
The Patcham Gardening Network aims to reach out to local gardeners of all backgrounds and abilities. We run monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of each month where invited speakers share their gardening wisdom. We also run workshops and trips to local gardens. We are interested in promoting local horticultural projects to help keep Patcham looking beautiful.
We aim to create a friendly and inclusive environment where likeminded local gardeners can meet and share our passion for all things plants.
We are an affiliated society of the RHS.
Membership is open to all at £20 per year. Please join us!

Queen's Diamond Jubilee
We received a £200 voucher for plants to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June 2022. We donated the funds to the Patcham Peace Garden - here are Sally, Caroline and Pat with their haul from the shop at One Garden Brighton. Caroline is one of the U3A volunteers who maintains this local garden with assistance from City Park staff.